Dive into our journey so far in making “Unsung Empire: The Cholas” prologue 1

It’s been a wild ride since we dropped Prologue 1 of “Unsung Empires: The Cholas” on January 15th, 2024, around midnight and wow the response has been incredible! With 5k+ downloads overnight and a massive 10k+ downloads within just 24 hours. It’s been nothing short of amazing, and I wanted to take you behind the scenes to share the story of what went down. 

And the hard work paid off; when we launched the game, the buzz around it was insane, and we were excited to hear about your experience. But you know what’s even cooler? The mixed response that we had received from you guys. Both good ones and the constructive criticism we got we took it all in cause hey, we are in this together. 

As soon as the feedback started pouring out, we immediately got to work on patches. 

Patch 1.1 dropped on January 16th, fixing general bugs, player spawn issues, and even smoothing out the ocean introduction map’s performance. We added a cool feature where you can hit the spacebar to skip ocean cinematics – because we get it, sometimes you just want to dive into the action. 

Patch 1.2 followed three days later January 19th. We enhanced tent and cloth materials, stabilized vision, and made the final cinematic performance even better. 

Then came Patch 1.3 on January 20th, fixing things like Parry Indication Adjustment, Enemy Response, Save File Deletion Improvement, SFX and FX Playback Correction, and Combat Music Trigger Correction.  

Fast forward to Patch 1.4 on January 24th – we addressed issues from players falling out of the gameplay area to fixing Chola’s attack delays. We even added indicators for mini-boss attacks and adjusted the direction of the parrying visual effects. It’s been a rollercoaster of patches, but we’re committed to giving you the best experience. 

In Patch 1.5, we’ve enhanced graphic optimization, allowing smooth gameplay even at low settings, we’ve also fixed general bugs such as fixing the UI consistency, the UI will now correctly display controls for the ‘Rock push’ action when using a controller.  Now, you can enjoy the game with your preferred control setup. Your feedback matters, and we’re committed to making your gaming experience even better! 

As of now, we’ve got 400k+ impressions and 30k+ downloads! Engaging with you all has been our favorite part. The chats, the reviews, the discussionsyou‘re not just players; you‘re part of the Unsung Empires family. 

Prologue 1 was training ground, and we learned a lot from this journey. Your passion guided us, showing us where to sharpen our swords. The excitement doesn’t stop here. Prologue 2 is coming your way in March. Get ready for more action, banger music, and that Unsung Empires magic. We can’t wait to continue this epic journey with you. Stay tuned, and let’s keep the adventure going!

Download our game on steam and join the epic journey of Rajendra Chola

1 Comment

  • Vimal raj

    As an aspiring game developer i would like to hear more about the company and its personal journeys as it would help me a lot for my future

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